The Northwest Unified Schools are dependent on help both from the Chuuk State government, global benefactors, and the sons and daughters of the Northwest islands living abroad. Our needs are more than just materials. Our schools need help in supporting the professional development of our teachers and principals, supplies for our schools, and volunteers to come and teach while our local teachers and taking college courses at the College of Micronesia. We also need universities and colleges to sponsor our teachers to get their credentials or degrees as part of the mandate from the state and national government.
To help, please visit our US-based Fanapi Foundation with the mission to raise funds and provide technical assistance to support our needs in the Northwest region.
You can also contact the educational consultant for the Northwest Unified Schools, Vidalino Staley Raatior, the Director of the Pacific Islander Student Center at the University of Hawaii at Hilo and founder & program manager for the Fanapi Foundation.